You are here:

Your care.
On your terms. With you at the center.

Elevated whole-person care in one complete connected location.

You are here:

Your care.
On your terms. With you at the center.

Elevated whole-person care in one complete connected location.

We support all available infusion and injection therapies (except oncology)

We support all available infusion and
injection therapies
(except oncology)

If you do not see an order form for a medication you need, please submit the General Order Form and we will take care of it.

What our patients love about us

Delivering more than just infusion treatments

Uptiv Health is your partner in caring for chronic 
conditions—within and beyond the walls of a clinic setting.

State-of-the-art space

Say goodbye to cold and impersonal healthcare experiences. At Uptiv Health, our intentionally-designed spaces put you and your needs at the center of the care experience.

Seamless digital platform

Uptiv’s app makes your experience easy, with quick access to your care team via text, call, or video, digital payments, digital consent, and much more!

Whole-person care

At our infusion clinic, we believe that healthcare extends far beyond a single treatment. We’re dedicated to your complete well-being, offering a holistic approach through our Uptiv360 whole-person care.

Your care on your terms

We understand that healthcare needs don’t always fit neatly into a 9–5 schedule, which is why we offer weekend availability and extended clinical support to provide care when you need it, outside of the clinic and even outside of regular business hours.

healthcare worker talking to patient

Full cost transparency and financial assistance

We understand the importance of knowing the cost of your healthcare, just like you wouldn't want to be surprised by the cost of your morning coffee. That's why we're committed to being transparent and helping you make your care most affordable.

Our Insurances

Your needs are our
top priority.

Let’s connect and see how we can help.

Contact Form

Please do not share any health information via this form.